Saturday, September 5, 2009

Creative Caffeine

When I went to so many places to take pictures, what I thought was a bit funny was how we Americans are really ironic.

Problem 1: ... we say shit like, "We need to be skinny. We need to be healthy. We need to be size two." I understand that people are fat here in America. We complain about it but dont do shit. And we always talk about portion control... and we dont do shit to change it. I love it when we tell people that being Americans, "...we can help them change their lives like in Iraq, we need to promote democracy..." if you wanna help people with their shitty problems... PLEASE help our own country first.

We think its important on how we need to save lives on a worldly basis like ours. AKA trying to stop nuclear weapons. I understand that. Of course, but when we go and "spread democracy"... please... that totally doesnt help us. Then we say that we're trying not to be selfish... DUDE... in this world... we need to be selfish. If we're selfish in the sense of helping our people with health, I believe that this is so rewarding.

We think that being fat doesnt kill us... ARE YOU FUCKIN INSANE?

There are so many kids in this country that will be growing up obese and has a very high chance of dying at the age of 40 years old. Im not sure why people dont think that its important but I believe that if your ass is here till your 40 while others are here till they're 70, I think thats a bit of a problem.

And with this, it starts in our home, our school, our environment, that's why this nation need to step in and intervene with our unhealthy choices.

Problem 1.5:

We talk about how we need to focus on inner beauty and not give a shit... well it aint gonna happen when our world is revolving around beauty and cosmetology.

Its like Maybelline: Maybe she's born with it... maybe its Maybelline.... well theyre saying that we're not pretty.

Problem 2: If we have a law stating we cannot drink or use alcohol until the age of 21... then why the fuck would you have a liquor store right next to the grocery shop?

Lemme answer that... because its easy. That's why we do it. You're fucking insane. And in so many homes, there are parents who have alcohol lying around in the same cabinet as snacks. These parents are the same ones that tell their kids to not drink when they go out and be responsible, or dont drink and drive. How funny is that when parents are a model of their kids and they should be showing the kids... not just telling tho kids. Its ridiculous.

What we need to do is that, there should be a law that states, no drinking alcohol while a minor is present at the same table or something. There are kids that are mature for their age and there are kids that are immature for their age.

We need to be careful of that.

Just to clearify, I dont drink alcohol that much.

But... I think we need to lower tho age limit to 18. Kids these days' I think the reason a lot of kids drink is because its not legal. Already gone through that stage in my life... yes I wanted to becauses I wasnt suppose to do it. Also because my friends did it. We need to change kids' minds to think differently. That starts with parenting.

Problem 3: Recycling

NOOOOOO.... dont tell me that spreading your fucking trash is hard. Its not hard. Throwing shit away in one trash can is just more convenient. Why are we stressing on recycling when we dont do shit to change it?

When you go to Japan, they have trash cans for everything they can recycle. Its in their system to do it. Its not even forced. Its something that is just natural.

Need a solution?????? Well I just told you.... emulate Japan.

OH OH addition to that... sometimes people need more education an things. There are things that we're not sure if we can recycle... so its more convenient for us just to throw it in the garbage and not think twice.

Here are the pics:

See what i was trying to get at.

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