Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Do Good Design by David Berman

When we design any form of products, we need to not only make a good design... like Berman said... do good.

In 1997, designers had to redesign the emergency sign in the airport of Germany. Why did we have to do that?? Because it was too small and people died from the result of poor design of the necessity. NOw we fuckin know that we need to design it with a purpose and a beauty. As Bill Max said.. we need to put in 90% for the function and something to work and the other 10% to make it more beautiful. Our job is to not only make something beautiful but make it work. As designers, we need to have a voice.

How we decide to do shit.. it is up to us. But we obviously know that its a world of business. When I think of this situation... I think of the quote that I live by, "Take what they give you, but dont just imitate or duplicate it, but mold it and shape it to your own use."

We get a job. We do what they want but we want to do it our way that they are satisfied with and that we get our message across.

We are not gonna be just designing to the people but we need to be designing for the people. That is totally important. We think of it as... we need to please them but what we need to do is make their life better. Just because they have our product doesnt mean that they're gonna be better. They're happy cos they they have shit, not cos they affected by shit.

Edward R. Murrow said how the instrument give us ability but it doesnt determine our ending. Just because the world around provide us with the ability to provide... doesnt mean that its going to determine our lives. WE alone determines our lives.

The future that is held in front of us is the project for all; to some, it is a project to use it better, to operate it smoother, and to make it stronger, but to many of us, it is to destroy it faster.

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